As an organization, Octane's mission is to create 55,000 high-paying jobs by 2030. One of the ways we analyze our performance of this metric is through our Annual Impact Report, which measures not only this data but also, the companies assisted through our initiatives and the capital that these companies raise.
With an all-new data collection method, validated by Deloitte, we have found that Octane's reach is even greater than in years past, with over 26,316 jobs created since 2010, 1,400 companies assisted (with an 82% success rate of funded companies) and $4.3B in capital raised by these companies. Despite the past year's challenges, LaunchPad Alumni and assisted companies raised $414M in 2021.
Our annual Impact Report also tracks progress in each business unit, from LaunchPad to the newly revamped Octane Capital & Growth, our Signature Events, and Octane Foundation for Innovation initiatives. Octane's CEO, Bill Carpou also discusses the vision forward for the organization, highlighting the exponential impact that can be created with the launch of the 20th Anniversary Octane Impact Fund. (Learn more and create generational impact with a gift here.)

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