How to Build Resilience

Written by Mallory Grimaud | May 27, 2020 4:00:00 PM

Last week, we sat down with Jen Leuer the CEO of CyberScout to talk about building resilience as a woman leading in the corporate world. Her insights and tools for getting through obstacles and setting a vision for the future and have allowed her to adapt and successfully face challenges in both her business and personal life. 

Jen uses a “Daily Grit Toolkit” as a way to and create and navigate a path toward her vision both for herself and for her company. She notes that being flexible as you face unexpected road-blocks will allow you to weather the storm and thrive in the future, where resisting change can only cause more difficulty in the long run.

Her strategies for resilience are poignant especially for women, as we can face unique challenges in the business world but are valuable tactics for anyone.

1. Create a Foundation to Manage Your State.

How you show up and face an issue (or even just the workday) is determined by your internal state. Taking time for yourself sets a tone for you to be able to manage pressure effectively. Jen also uses the mantra “All is Well” as well as deep breaths to put potential challenges into perspective and center herself as she faces them.

2. Embrace “Yes, and…”

Built on a concept from improv, Jen uses this to respond to situations that are unexpected. Rather than resisting or hiding from reality, “yes, and…” allows you to adapt and be flexible to change.


3. Find the Opportunity

Think “what can I learn from this?” All obstacles come with the chance to learn something new, and to apply it either when the issue arises again, or to use your new knowledge in an innovative way to solve or adapt in the future.


4. Discover the Power of Incrementalism

Insurmountable tasks (or to-do lists) can only be accomplished when you approach them in small steps. Jen uses this tool when she needs to accomplish something that feels impossible and says that it has allowed her to build momentum as she gets closer to her goal and she has been able to learn valuable lessons from accomplishing each small task. 

5. Leverage Your Network

When you face challenges, a support system of colleagues is essential. It is okay to ask for help and support from your network, but ensure that you also return the favor, check in with them, and maintain a relationship.

6. Remove Distractions

Make the hard choices up front. When you’re being pulled in multiple directions, it can be nearly impossible to dedicate enough attention to each one. Instead, choose what is important to you and will allow you to achieve your goals. 

7. Have a Backup Plan

Sometimes, the worst happens. Being prepared with a solution and process for dealing with it can allow you to move towards your goal with less anxiety and fear about the future.


As we face a difficult time and an ongoing healthcare crisis, each of these steps is an invaluable tool for overcoming and adapting to the new challenges we face every day.


If you are interested in learning more about our programs, like the one Jen spoke about, you can see upcoming virtual events here.